According to 2021 statistics from the African Energy Commission (AFREC), crude oil reserves in Africa are estimated to be more than 125 million barrels with production reaching 7 million barrels per day, representing approximately 9% of global crude oil production. About 75% of production is exported as crude oil, while most of the petroleum products are imported, making Africa the only continent in the world that is a net exporter of crude oil and a net importer of crude oil products. About 87% of the continent’s oil reserves are located in five African countries namely Libya, Nigeria, Algeria, Angola and Egypt. In addition, Africa is blessed with a large amount of natural gas estimated at 18 trillion cubic meters in reserves with a daily production of 268 billion cubic meters, which is mainly found in Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Nigeria and Egypt. 40% of the world's new natural gas discoveries over the past ten years are in Africa, mainly in Senegal, Mauritania, Mozambique and Tanzania, among others. Currently, more than 45% of natural gas production in Africa is exported and the contribution of natural gas to Africa's energy balance is minimal. However, with a projected 3% annual growth rate for natural gas demand in Africa, resources such as natural gas can be harnessed to promote long-term well-being of Member States by contributing to solutions aimed at promoting energy access while acting as a transitional fuel in tackling the global threat of climate change.
The continent has enough crude oil reserves to meet its growing petroleum demand and increase its global market share. Africa needs to increase self-sufficiency in continental refined petroleum through increasing value addition infrastructure and improve its storage and transmission (domestic and international) infrastructure. Refined crude oil products are essential energy sources that can be used for power generation, transport, cooking, heating and lighting ensuring access to modern energy.
Despite significant demand across the continent of Africa, trade in crude oil and petroleum products is limited within the continent, with the majority of products being shipped to the international market.
Africa’s current standpoint on oil and gas supply and demand needs to be established in order to develop Strategies and Policies to determine future security of supply and to determine technological developments to embrace. Having sufficient accurate quality reliable and consistent energy statistics for oil and gas can provide a clear picture of the situation on the ground thus guiding future developments and investments in the oil and gas sector of the African continent.
Despite the importance of oil and gas in the economic growth and development of the African Union Member States, it has been noted that Member States are facing challenges in producing quality reliable accurate and consistent statistics for the production, consumption and export of oil and gas. AFREC notes with concern that despite the existence of national oil and gas data validation committees, Member States are facing challenges in producing up to date quality reliable accurate and consistent statistics on oil and gas.
As reference centre for energy statistics in Africa, AFREC aims to strengthen the capacities of Member States to produce quality reliable accurate and consistent statistics for the production, consumption and export of oil and gas. Against this background, AFREC has therefore organised a webinar on Oil and Gas statistics to provide a platform to share experiences, take stock and discuss the challenges encountered by Member States in the production of quality statistics for production, consumption and export of oil and gas.
The objectives of this Webinar are to:
- Share experiences of African Union Member States in the production of oil and gas statistics;
- Discuss the challenges encountered by African Union Member States in the production of statistics on oil and gas;
- Discuss administrative sources of data used to produce oil and gas statistics;
- Share best practices on quality assurance of oil and gas data.
The expected results are:
- The experiences of African Union Member States in the production of oil and gas statistics are shared;
- The challenges encountered by African Union Member States in the production of statistics on oil and gas documented;
- The administrative sources of data used to produce oil and gas statistics documented;
- Good practices on quality assurance of oil and gas data are shared.
Participants are the main stakeholders in the energy sector of African States, particularly the oil and gas sector, national and international institutions, the private sector, academia, civil society organizations, young people, students, etc.
Panellists will come from the following Member States and institutions:
- African Energy Commission (AFREC) (20 minutes)
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (15 minutes)
- Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) (15 minutes)
- Algeria (10 minutes)
- Mozambique (10 minutes)
- Nigeria (10 minutes)
- Egypt (10 minutes)
- Dr Omar Farouk Ibrahim, Secretary-General, African Petroleum Producer's Organisation (APPO) (5 minutes)
- Mr. NJ Ayuk Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber (5 minutes)
The webinar will take place ONLINE on Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Algiers time).
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 966 3695 7623
Secret Code : 289469